Dr. Tyla Frewing

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)

Tyla Frewing is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst – Doctoral level and holds a Ph. D. in Special Education from the University of British Columbia and a Master of Science in Applied Behaviour Analysis from St. Cloud State University. Her current research interests include stereotypy, comparative research on instructional strategies, and evaluations of learner preference. Tyla has worked with children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders for the past 19 years. She designs comprehensive behaviour analytic programs for individuals with ASD ranging in age from 3-21, in home and school settings as well as ABA teaching home settings. Tyla is also an instructor in the Applied Behaviour Analysis – Autism program at Capilano University and serves on the board for the British Columbia Association for Behaviour Analysis.



  • Pastrana, S. J., Frewing, T. M., Grow, L. L., Nosik, M. R., Turner, M., & Carr, J. E. (2016). Frequently assigned readings in behavior analysis graduate training programs. Behavior Analysis in Practice.
  • Frewing, T. M., Tanner, A., Bonner, A. C., Baxter, S., & Pastrana, S. (In Press). The immediate and subsequent effects of response interruption and redirection on vocal stereotypy, motor stereotypy and heart rate. European Journal of Behavior Analysis. (In Press).
  • Frewing, T. M., Rapp, J. T., & Pastrana, S. J. (2015). Using conditional percentages during free-operant stimulus preference assessments to predict the effects of preferred items on stereotypy: Preliminary results. Behavior Modification, 39, 740-765.
  • Pastrana, S. J., Rapp, J. T., & Frewing, T. M. (2013). Immediate and subsequent effects of response interruption and redirection on targeted and untargeted forms of stereotypy. Behavior Modification, 37, 591-610.


Conference Presentations

  • Frewing, T.F., Grow, L. L., & Pastrana, S. J. (March, 2017). A comparison of differential and nondifferential Reinforcement during intraverbal training with a child with autism spectrum disorder. In K. Pastrana (Chair), Recent advances in assessment and intervention for individuals with autism. Symposium presented at the 35th annual meeting of the Californial Association for Behavior Analysis, Anaheim, CA.
  • Frewing, T. F., Grow, L. L., & Pastrana, S. J. (February, 2017). A comparison of differential and nondifferential Reinforcement during intraverbal training with a child with autism spectrum disorder. In K. Wiskow (Chair), Variations of procedures used to teach verbal behavior to children with autism. Symposium presented at the meeting of the British Columbia Association of Behaviour Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Pastrana, S. J., Grow, L. L., & Frewing, T. F. (February, 2017). Identifying Preferred Social Interactions Using a Structured Interview and Preference Assessment. In M. Broadhead’s (Chair), Recent advances in preference assessment methodologies. Symposium presented at the 35th annual meeting of the Californial Association for Behavior Analysis, Anaheim, CA.
  • Pastrana, S. J., Frewing, T. M., Grow, L. L., Nosik, M. R., Turner, M. D., & Carr, J. E. (May, 2016). Essential readings in behavior analysis: A content analysis from universities with approved BACB course sequences. In S. Pastrana (Chair), Recent advances in higher education settings. Symposium presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, IL
  • Frewing, T. M., Schiedel, L., & Egan, C. E. (2015, May). The effects of the Premack principle and non-removal of the spoon on consumption of previously refused foods. In Weinkauf, S. M. (Chair). Food selectivity: Four unique applications for increasing food repertoires for children with autism.
  • Frewing, T., Grow, L., & Van Der Hijde, R. (2015, March). A comparison of methods for teaching auditory-visual conditional discriminations to children with autism spectrum disorders. In Grow, L. (Chair). Improving the efficiency of instruction for teaching receptive language skills to young children with autism spectrum disorders. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the British Columbia Association of Behaviour Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Frewing, T., Schiedel, L., & Egan, C. (2015, March). The effects of the Premack principle and non-removal of the spoon on consumption of previously refused foods. In Egan, C. (Chair). Reducing food selectivity in young children with autism spectrum disorders. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the British Columbia Association of Behaviour Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Frewing, T., Boisselle, S. & White, S. (2014, May). The effects of differential reinforcement of low rates of behavior and stimulus control on motor and vocal stereotypy. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Allan, K., Frewing, T. & White, S. (2014, March). Goal setting and public posting to increase compliance with exercise routines. In Pastrana, S. (Chair) Behaviour change in behaviour analysts: Three self-management strategies. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the British Columbia Association of Behaviour Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Boisselle, S., Frewing, T. & White, S. (2014, March). The effects of differential reinforcement of low rates of behaviour (DRL) and stimulus control procedures on motor and vocal stereotypy. In Frewing, T. (Chair) The use of stimulus control procedures in combination with differential reinforcement or response interruption and redirection for reduction of vocal and motor stereotypy. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the British Columbia Association of Behaviour Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Tanner, A., Frewing, T., Bonner, A. & Baxter, S. (2014, March). Using stimulus control and response interruption and redirection to decrease motor and vocal stereotypy. In Frewing, T. (Chair) The use of stimulus control procedures in combination with differential reinforcement or response interruption and redirection for reduction of vocal and motor stereotypy. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the British Columbia Association of Behaviour Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Frewing, T., Bagley, F. & Baxter, S. (2012, March). Generalization of conversation skills to the natural environment. Poster session presented at the conference of the British Columbia Association of Behaviour Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Pastrana, S.J., Frewing, T.M. and Rapp, J. T. (2012, March). Recent research in the assessment and treatment of stereotypy. Miniseminar presented at the 4th annual conference of the British Columbia Association of Behaviour Analysis, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Frewing, T., Rapp, J.T., Smith, D., and Wickland, K. (2008, May). Using a stimulus preference assessment to predict the effects of noncontingent access to preferred items on automatically reinforced problem behavior. In Rapp, J.T. (Chair), Recent advances in the assessment and treatment of Stereotypy. Symposium conducted at the conference of the International Association for Behavior Analysis, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Frewing, T., Parsons, J., and Polson, D. (2006, May). A comparison of functional equivalence training and stimulus equivalence training. Poster presented at the conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Baxter, S., Karren, M. and Frewing, T. (2006, May). Running your home-based ABA program: A Parent-Professional perspective. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Atlanta, Georgia.

Community Presentations

  • Frewing, T. F. (2016, April). Thinking outside of the box: Solving behavioral problems with structured preference assessments. Presented at the University of British Columbia through the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Autism (CIRCA).
  • Pastrana, S. J., & Frewing, T. M. (2012, May). Functions of behaviour. Workshop presented at the Surrey College Professional Development Day for Special Education Assistants in the Surrey School District.
  • Parenting in the World of Autism (September, 2011- May, 2012). Presented in conjunction with the ABA Support Network. Participated in presenting an 8-month workshop series for parents of children with autism with a small group of co-presenters.
  • Introductory Workshops in Applied Behaviour Analysis (October, 2007 – November, 2008). Workshops presented in conjunction with Families for Early Autism Treatment of British Columbia. Co-presented one and two-day workshops about early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders.

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